Wednesday, June 20, 2012

D.I.Y: Cream Eyeshadow

What You Need:

Any eyeshadow/palette that you don't mind if it gets wet ( the quality doesn't have to be like M.A.C, it just has to have a good pigmentation to it ( I used one from Claire's that cost around $12 ), a small plastic container ( I just used the lid of my bobby pin box ), a small eyeshadow applicator ( you can use an eyeshadow brush, but since it's like a paint, it's just easier to throw it out once you're done ), and water ( distilled or not ).

What To Do:

Fill up the plastic container with a little bit of water and press the applicator into the water.
When it's soaked, press it onto the eyeshadow you want to use. Rub it around a little bit until you have a good amount on the brush, swipe it onto your eyelids like you would with a regular cream shadow! The pigmentation i ended up with was good, but you do have to be careful. if you add too much water, the cosistency will become too watery, and won't work as well. You want to have a consistency almost like a slightly watery concealer or foundation.

Be sure you don't do this with the same eyeshadows too often, or they can crack and/or dry out!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and definetely try this look out for yourself!


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